Get Involved

School Partners

Gardeneers partners with schools and their communities to build gardens and, in doing so, works to upend the racial and social injustice of our food system.

School Inquiries Heading

Why Gardeneers?

Of students say they gained knowledge about how to improve their health as a result of this program

Of students say that this program helped them change their behavior or made them want to change their behavior to improve their health

Of teens demonstrated growth in 4 out of 5 social-emotional metrics

Of school leaders say our program has had a positive impact on their school

Base Cost

Pea Package

Pepper Package

Pumpkin Package

Garden Space Size

[Starting at 500 sq ft]

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Green Flowers_4
Spring and Fall Seasons

[day(s) with 4 hour sessions for 10 weeks per session]

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Yellow Sun_4
Base Price Per Year

Summer Add-Ons

Available for all packagees

Summer Season

[day(s) with 4 hour sessions for 4 weeks per session]

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Yellow Sun_3
Additional Cost for Summer

Garden Bed Set Up

$325 per garden bed

Inlcudes aluzinc steel bed, soil, and labor to fill beds

School Inquiries Heading

“When I started, there was only focus on math and reading because our students were labeled as far behind. Somebody noticed that we have ginormous beds out of her school. The beds are about 15 ft by 60 ft and there’s four of them. That was when I was introduced to Gardeneers and our love affair began. 

It [garden space] has completely changed the way I think about food and nutrition. It has also given me a space to have some mental clarity. And the garden has benefited our students, our taff, and our community in the exact same way. I have seen our students become advocates for healthier food options, both at school and at home. They’ve ventured outside of their comfort zone to try foreign foods like beets and dragon beets, beans, and edible flowers. The garden space is an extension of our educational ecosystem. The garden is breathing new life into our community y and our school is looking just as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside. We couldn’t have done it without our friends at Gardeneers.”

-Ms. Jackson
Science Teacher at Piccolo Specialty School

Hear from Ms. Jackson at Piccolo Gardens about her experience with Gardeneers

Ready to Get Started?

Additional School Garden Resources

Soul Fire Farms – BIPOC-led educational videos and other how-to resources

Lifelab – their YouTube page and their school garden resources

Edible Schoolyard – curricula and resource library

School Garden Support Organization – peer-to-peer network

Denver Urban Gardens – Youth education programs & resources

Whole Kids Foundation – School garden grant program

Baker Creek Seeds – email [email protected] with “ATTN: Donations” as the subject line

Harbor Freight – Apply here for gift cards to buy tools

Alexis Nikole TikTok – How to forage and cook

Ron Finley – TED talk – for inspiration (warning: adult language)