
Applications Now Open!

Apply to join the Pollination Network — Gardeneer’s volunteer collective for young & emerging professionals in sustainability.

Application closes from November 10th to March 1st for current member review and feedback.

Create Community

Promote your small business
Expand your professional resume
Join a collective of emerging professionals
Participate in your workplace’s volunteer program
Develop your leadership skills in urban agriculture
Pollinator Network

Your Commitment

One-year commitment: March – February
Attend 2/3 of volunteer events at host garden
Serve 5 hrs per season at host garden
$40 a month – sponsors one year of one child programming.
(1) volunteer event per season

Membership Perks

(1) social event / networking event each month.
(1) Happy Hour each month
Discounted events (ex gala, outdoor experiences, sporting events)
1 year membership with a friend – Gardeneers Branded customized Patagonia jacket

Support our Mission

Pollination is an integral part of fruit and seed devlopment and many plants needs to be pollinated multiple time by in order to produce nutrious fruits and seeds. By joining our collective, you become an integral part of Gardeneers. As a pollinator, you support our garden based education programs and share our mission, allowing us to grow and continue our work.